Saturday, April 30, 2011

Personification through the Doctor

In the Great Gatsby how the eyes of the doctor are played of as an all knowing being that see the actions of the characters as if it were a person casting judgement or spying on them.
This shows me how objects can play an important role in stories even though they might not actually do anything.


The thought of a perfect society a proposed in Brave New World would be be a distopia in our modern society because it limits the freedom we currently have.
However since the people in the book have not had the freedom we have experienced they would not realize their limitations and believe they are perfectly free.
In the end it is all just a matter of perspective just like you can view the picture above as anything from a world advanced by technology or a world conquered by their own feats.


Super heros are the hope for the citizens they fight to protect from villans and evil beings even though they may be risking themselves to do it just like Beowolf.

Light in the Dark

Darkness represents fear, mystery, the unknown and chalenges poeple to improve themselves.
The light represents hope and the possibilities of what can be done to challenge the darkness to achieve what it hides in its shadows.
Gatsby took the light as a symbol of hope and even lit his house full of lights to guide Daisy to him through the supposed darkness that he thinks she is trapped in.

Tea and Patience can make a Differnece

Greg Mortenson proved by respecting a culture and being patient you can change the lives of any all over the world like he did for the children of Pakistan by building schools where they would not just learn extreme actions but knowledge to help them improve their lives.

Connotation and Denotation in The Great Gatsby

Using connotation in the Great Gatsby helped me see what everything symbolized in the text and not take  the literal denotation like I would normally do.
For example the light on the end of the dock would normally be just a light to see where you were but using the connotation the light represents hope of Gatsbys affections.

"Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under it"(Shakespeare, Act1 SceneV)

This quote reflects how desperatly Lady Mcbeth wants the crown but also rreflects what it takes to make it in this world of buisness and politics.
It also shows how people get through life in areas where it may difficult to procure what you need to survive for example using an innocent child to still food.